About the organisation
The Jožef Stefan Institute is the leading Slovenian scientific research institute, covering a broad spectrum of basic and applied research. The staff of about 1050 specializes in natural sciences, life sciences and engineering.
The subjects concern production and control technologies, communication and computer technologies, knowledge technologies, biotechnologies, new materials, environmental technologies, nanotechnologies, and nuclear engineering.
The mission of the Jožef Stefan Institute is the accumulation – and dissemination – of knowledge at the frontiers of natural science and technology to the benefit of society at large through the pursuit of education, learning, research, and development of high technology at the highest international levels of excellence.
The Department for Artificial Intelligence is concerned mainly with research and development in information technologies with emphasis on artificial intelligence. The main research areas are: (a) data analysis with emphasis on text, web and cross-modal data, (b) scalable real-time data analysis, (c) visualization of complex data, (d) semantic technologies, (e) language technologies.
JSI is responsible for the implementation of TWON and coordinates participants’ work w.r.t. ethical, legal and societal aspects of the project.
The team
Marko Grobelnik is a researcher in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Focused areas of expertise are Machine Learning, Data/Text/Web Mining, Network Analysis, Semantic Technologies, Deep Text Understanding, and Data Visualization. Marko co-leads Artificial Intelligence Lab at Jozef Stefan Institute, cofounded UNESCO International Research Center on AI (IRCAI), and is the CEO of Quintelligence.com specialized in solving complex AI tasks for the commercial world. He collaborates with major European academic institutions and major industries such as Bloomberg, British Telecom, European Commission, Microsoft Research, New York Times. Marko is co-author of several books, co-founder of several start-ups and is/was involved into over 50 EU funded research projects in various fields of Artificial Intelligence. Marko represents Slovenia in OECD AI Committee (ONE AI), in Council of Europe Committee on AI (CAHAI), and Global Partnership on AI (GPAI). In 2016 Marko became Digital Champion of Slovenia at European Commission.
Tasks in TWON: principal investigator of JSI
Krisztian Buza is a post doc researcher at JSI. He is the coauthor of more than 50 publications, including the best paper of the IEEE Conference on Computational Science and Engineering in 2010. He regularly serves as a reviewer for renowned journals, such as Neurocomputing, and Knowledge-Based Systems or Knowledge and Information Systems. He is also a member of the program committee of international conferences, such as the Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining and the International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence. His research interests include applied machine learning and data mining.
Tasks in TWON: Implementation of TWON, coordination of the tasks of JSI

Abdul Sittar is a PhD scholar in NLP and machine learning. He focuses on information spreading barriers and plagiarism detection. Additionally, he has experience as senior mobile application developer.
Tasks in TWON: Implementation of TWON

Daniel Schwabe is a computer scientist, with 40 years experience in semantic technologies and knowledge representation. He is a former Full Professor in Informatics at the Pontifical Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro, and visiting researcher at JSI.
Tasks in TWON: Contribute to the modeling of social networks carried out in WP2, ensuring that it integrates smoothly with the ML models developed in WP2 and implemented in WP4, contribute to developing the models in WP3, contribute to the data acquisition and implementation in WP4, contribute to the case studies in WP5, participate in activities in WP6 and WP7