About the organisation

The Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory at University of Belgrade (IFDT) focuses on socially and scientifically relevant, multi-perspective, and interdisciplinary theoretical and empirical research that reflect the complexity of methodology and content. The Institute, which is part of the OSUN (Open Society University Network), participates in prominent European projects, the Jean Monnet Network ‘Active citizenship: promoting and advancing innovative democratic practices in the Western Balkans’. The IFDT team will contribute to the project by participating in activities related to computer modeling of complex social networks, designing and conducting case studies, disseminating information on social media, and conducting scientific analysis and publishing research papers.
The team

Ljubisa Bojic is a communication scientist and futurologist with a Ph.D. from the University of Lyon II, France. He is a senior research fellow and coordinator of the Digital Society Lab at the University of Belgrade Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory and a member of a Serbian government work group dedicated to developing ethical standards for artificial intelligence.
In the TWON project, Ljubisa Bojic will focus on management of the project, computer modeling of complex social networks, designing and conducting case studies, disseminating information on social media, and conducting scientific analysis and publishing research papers.

Čedomir Markov is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory with a Ph.D. in Journalism and Mass Communication from Korea University. His research interests include public attitudes toward news media, media portrayals of vulnerable social groups, and digital strategies in contemporary political communication.
For the TWON project, Čedomir Markov will work on designing and conducting case studies, disseminating information on social media, and conducting scientific analysis and publishing research papers. He will also focus on evaluation of ethical, legal, and societal protocols, open science practices, and research data management.

Vera Mevorah, PhD, is a research fellow at the Digital Society Laboratory of the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory – IFDT, University of Belgrade. Her PhD thesis was a pioneer study of Internet and art in Serbia. She received her BA/MA at the Music Academy in Belgrade. She worked as a professional flute player, informal educator, translator, in media monitoring, and as Serbian-English translator. Main fields of her interest are the study of digital culture and information society from the perspective of social theory, philosophy and cultural studies. She also researches discourses related to contemporary Holocaust, war and genocide representation, and in the field of contemporary and new media art theory.
Her role in the TWON project is assisting in design, implementation and analysis of the case study exploring impact of computer algorithms and OSNs architecture on opinions, debates and dialogues of users in Serbia about the war in Ukraine. Vera Mevorah will also apply her expertise to the process of computer modeling of complex social networks, disseminating information on social media, and conducting scientific analysis and publishing research papers.